
Free eBook!

Underpaid & overworked? 8 mistakes to avoid for more clients and less overwhelm in your music business!

This ebook is for musicians who sell a music related service or are planning to start doing so (such as sound engineers, mixing & mastering engineers, producers, songwriters, teachers, coaches, etc) who struggle with being underpaid and overworked.

The thing is: in most cases working too hard isn’t the reason why you feel overworked. The real reason you feel overworked is because the work you do isn’t giving you the desired results and income. 

I want you to know you are not alone in this! I have been there myself and I see it all the time with artists and musicians I work with. 

And the good news is: it can be fixed! 

But fixing something starts with identifying what’s broken.

So in this ebook I will go over the 8 most common mistakes musicians make that keep them underpaid and overworked ánd give you actionable steps you can start working on right away to help you transform your music business into a profitable income stream that enables you to collaborate with clients you cherish and who truly appreciate your expertise and respect your time.

To receive the ebook just fill in your details below. Doing so will also subscribe you to the BCFA mailinglist, from which you can unsubscribe at any time (but then ofc you’ll miss out on more great music business advice and inspiration 😉

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