
The Music Business Boost Program

Boost your music production or music mentoring business!

Get paid well and attract clients you love who value your work, without overworking and losing yourself in the process!

Limited time opportunity to work with me one-to-one:

Join the pilot version at a massively reduced rate!

Does this sound like you?


You are an artist with a service based music business selling your music related skills and/or knowledge online as a music producer or music teacher.


You would like to earn more, but aren’t sure how. Either because you struggle to raise your prices, you somehow can’t seem to attract enough clients or you are already fully booked.


You find yourself making comparisons with others in your field who have more followers and client testimonials than you have. It makes you wonder: why would anyone choose me over them?


Marketing and promoting yourself and your services tends to feel overwhelming. You don’t like to talk about yourself or boast about your results. You’re afraid that pushing your services too often will rub people the wrong way and make you lose potential customers. 


You work hard all the time, but all that hard work isn’t giving you the desired results.


Selling your services feels daunting and uncomfortable. You tend to overthink when it’s time to determine a price for your services. And your heart starts beating a little faster the moment you communicate your price to (potential) clients. You don’t want to undervalue your services, but also fear they might think you are too expensive and choose someone else.


You spend a relatively large amount of time on additional back-and-forth communication with each client. And if you’re honest, some of your clients really drain your energy.


You often feel overwhelmed with everything that comes with running your music business.


You dream of a fulfilling music business that supports the life you want to live and are willing to do what it takes, but you no longer want to be a slave of your schedule.


You would like to have more time left for your personal life and/or pursuing your own music career.

In conclusion: you work your *ss off, but all that hard work somehow isn’t enough to bring you the desired results and income, let alone a sustainable work-life balance.

There’s a reason you are struggling…

Just being a skilled musician, producer or coach isn’t enough to build a successful music business. This requires a different skill.

One that not many artists naturally possess: the skill of entrepreneurship.

And if you are like I used to be, you may have negative associations with words like ‘entrepreneurship’ and ‘business’.

But what if I told you that entrepreneurship is all about serving people, and that approaching your career as a business is actually the key to living an abundantly creative life? 

What would it mean to you if you could make a comfortable living from your musical talent, skills and or knowledge, wake up in the morning excited to work with clients who value your time and expertise ànd even have time left for a personal life or for pursuing your own music career?

Well, I want you to know this is possible!

Let me introduce you to my Music Business Boost program.

A brand new one-to-one program designed to help you level up your music production or music mentoring business, so you can start getting paid well and attract clients you love who value your work and respect your time, without overworking and losing yourself in the process.

Here’s what we will be working on in the MBB program

Build a business that works for you (revenue model)

We will have a look at your current revenue model. Is this the most strategic choice for your business at this stage? And to what extent does this revenue model align with your goals and the life you want to lead?

Oftentimes artists work on a ‘pay per song/pay per session/pay per hour’ model. But this isn’t always the smartest choice. Especially if you want a more predictable or consistent income and if you want to spend less time selling your services and more time catering to your clients.

Together we will determine the right business model for you, such as a business model where you sell packages and bundles, create recurring revenue with memberships or make your business scalable with online courses.

Making a well-informed choice for a revenue model at the start of the program will allow us to proceed with clarity and focus for the coming 6 months.

Your irresistible offer

We’ll examine your ideal client and offer to make sure they are finely tuned to each other.

This includes researching your ideal customer so that you know them inside out—their pain points, their desires. Then, we tailor your offer to fit your ideal customer’s needs to a tee.

The key to an irresistible offer is making sure your customer feels seen and understood by you, and providing a clear solution to their pain and desire.

By choosing an ideal customer and truly understanding them, the sales process becomes easier.

Your attractive edge (and no, I’m not talking about looks 😉

We assess your strengths as a mentor or producer and focus on discovering your own unique approach or vision, which you can then use to differentiate yourself in the market.

This way, you’ll never again have to worry about the competition or if there’s room for you in the market.

Empowered pricing & sales

As a creative person, pricing and sales can be challenging.

You struggle to assign value to what you do. You want to ask for a fair price, but you also fear pricing too high and losing customers. And ideally, you want to avoid criticism of your prices altogether.

I’ll teach you to set your prices from a position of empowerment rather than fear and self-doubt. This way, you can establish prices that feel right for both you and your ideal customer.

I’ll also show you a different perspective on sales, so you no longer feel uncomfortable promoting your products or taking sales actions.

Additionally, you’ll learn to (better) understand the sales process and we’ll examine how you currently acquire customers and what improvements can be made.

Depending on your goals, we’ll determine areas for improvement so you can attract more clients, attract clients more consistently and/or attract higher-paying clients (for example, if you’re already fully booked).

Magnetic Marketing

We’ll work on expanding your reach and expert status so that you stand out among others in your field and attract clients more easily.

And no, this doesn’t mean you have to be visible on every platform!

Instead, I’ll help you consciously choose a few marketing tools and teach you how to use them effectively without losing yourself in the process.

When you leverage your marketing tools effectively to communicate your attractive edge, your ideal clients will find you more easily and choose you sooner

A dream without a plan is just a wish

Most of my clients struggle with following a plan, or even coming up with one to begin with.

With my help and because we are tying it to your desired lifestyle and personal goals, creating a plan and sticking with it will become much easier and, dare I say, fun!

What kind of life do you want to live and why? And how much income do you need to sustain this life? Based on this we will set a revenue goal and create an action plan that we will use to guide us on a monthly basis with regular check-ins.

This way you will be clear on your priorities and can prevent unnecessary distractions on your way to earning more and building a business that supports your life.

Overwhelm prevention

Feelings of overwhelm often arise because we lack sufficient knowledge about how to build a successful business, leading us to work hard on the wrong things and see little to no results from all that work.

With the entrepreneurial skills you’ll learn during the program, you’ll be less likely to get lost in the details and better able to distinguish between ‘busy work’ and activities that actually generate income and impact.

Additionally, we’ll explore adjustments you can make to reduce overwhelm (reorganizing, outsourcing, letting go of certain projects or tasks, etc.).

In other words, you’ll learn to work smarter, not harder. And I’ll be there every step of the way to help you navigate the challenges of building your music business.

In short, we’ll work on your entire business: your ideal customer, your offers, your marketing tools, your sales process, your goals, and your plan to get there.

But knowledge and a plan alone aren’t enough…

Change and progress only come when we actually implement the learnings.

When we take action!

And that’s where things often go wrong.

That’s why, in the MBB program, we also assess to what extent you’re already the leader your music business needs.

How consistent and reliable are you in doing what’s necessary? Where might you be missing opportunities?

Are you focusing on the right actions or getting bogged down in details?

Where are you unnecessarily complicating things for yourself? What can you let go of?

How can you organize and motivate yourself to actually take the right actions and implement all the lessons? 

Besides getting the basics right, this is equally important!

And that’s the power of this program.

The combination of practical business lessons and personal guidance on becoming the person you need to be to achieve the success you dream of.

And because this is a 1-to-1 program, we can tailor it completely to your situation, desires, and goals.

Are you ready to increase your revenue and find more fulfillment in your music business?

Pilot program offer (currently 2 spots left)

To start, we’ll have a 90-minute kick-off session during which we’ll look at your current business, your offers, and your goals and also determine any quick wins – your fastest path to cash – so you can start earning more right away. This will be followed by five additional sessions, each lasting 1.5 hours, spread over six months. In addition to these one-on-one sessions, you’ll have access to online lessons. You’ll also receive continuous support via WhatsApp and a monthly check-in to ensure you stay on track.

In June I’m launching a pilot version of this program at a reduced rate of €888,- (incl. 21% NL VAT when applicable) (after the pilot version the price goes up). You can either pay in full, or we can set up a payment plan for you to pay in multiple monthly payments. 

If the above resonates with you, then this is the opportunity to take your music business to the next level. 

It’s not too late to make 2024 your year!

If you’re interested in working with me for 6 months to increase (consistent) revenue and find more fulfillment in your music business, schedule a call now using the button below.

After answering the questions on the form I will get back to you within 48 hours to let you know if you qualify for the call and to schedule a time and date.

During this 30 minute call we will look at the current state of your music business, discuss your goals and determine if you and the MBB program are a good match.

No strings attached! 

Meet your coach 🙂

Hi I am Sanne (artist name Susana)!

I have been a professional singer and topline writer for almost 20 years, and an artist coach for 5 years. 

If someone would have told me when I was young that I’d become passionate about entrepreneurship and would even teach it to artists I probably would have laughed at them.

I associated business with boring office buildings, men in suits and tacky tactics to earn money off the back of people. 

Until I realized that if I wanted to succeed in music, I had to stop relying on other people, get in the driver’s seat and build my career like a business! 

And along the way I discovered that my perception of the word ‘business’ was wrong. 

Entrepreneurship is actually about serving people! And in our case, serving people with our music and musical skills. 

I decided to study how the ‘game’ of business is played. I’ve invested literally tens of thousands of euros in advertising, business and marketing coaching, websites, and softwares. 

I have hosted sales webinars, held many sales calls with potential clients, developed and ran one-to-one programs as well as online group courses ranging in prices from €99-€1800 euros a piece, created a shit load of content, started a podcast…

…and made a lot of mistakes along the way!

But all this trial and error has taught me a tonne about what works and what doesn’t work in the different phases of your music business. 

Building a business comes with its challenges. And that’s why it’s important not to do it alone. 

What would it mean to you to have an experienced mentor by your side for six months?

Someone who is entirely there for you. Who can show you the ropes.

Who helps you zoom out and see the bigger picture when you feel stressed or get lost in details and perfectionism.

Someone who helps you see your worth, even when you may not see it yourself.

Someone whose experience, knowledge and guidance helps you rise up to your potential and realise the big goals you’ve always had in mind.

Towards the life you know, deep down inside, is meant for you.

I am here for YOU!

Read what BCFA students and graduates have to say about ‘The Journey’

As an artist and musician the business world seemed very scary and unaccessible for me. I was always hoping to magically get someone to just throw money at me just because I make art.

Susana helped me a lot with opening up to the business world.

Understanding how much it can give me, finding my way in it. 

And every time I get confused Susana has great insights due to her years of experience. Those always help me figure out my next steps.

In summary I could say that she functions as my compass in building my own creative business. Every time I risk getting lost she picks me up and gets me further.

Julia Tehada (Singer/songwriter) (Netherlands)

I always felt like preparing for a big journey, but never started it. With Susana’s music business course, I managed to pack my rucksack and finally start it.

She gave me the compass, the survival pack and the map. I struggled with many doubts, with thoughts like “I will never earn enough money for making a living of it” or “there are so many more talented musicians than me”, I struggled with the usage of social media, I had no plan.

And Susana did not just show me my plan, she showed me, how I can make my own plan. How I can find my best way that fits to my goals.

Thank you so much Susana! You are the best guide I could find.

Martha Zahn (Songwriter, singer, Ukelele teacher) [Germany]

I first met Susana looking for information regarding how to approach and work with vocalists in my genre (Trance).

Given her legendary status as a Trance vocalist and producer herself, this seemed an obvious fit for me and my immediate, tactical objectives in my musical career.

What I got was a mentor and coach who took a personal interest in my success as a music professional and who became an advocate for me in developing the skills and mindset essential to get the results I was after.

Further, she’s taught me techniques and given me practical knowledge that has set the stage for more growth and success on my path.

Susana has lived the journey herself. She understands the emotional rollercoaster ride that building a musical career can be and the impact that it can have on the artist. She handles this both professionally and with the care of a big sister.

Brian McCalla (Producer) [USA]

What I appreciate about Susana is that she’s real. She has walked the walk herself.

Especially her philosophy of building a music career that fits who you are, without burning yourself out, speaks to me.

The process of building a music career can get overwhelming and make me feel insecure at times, but Susana’s mental support helps me to find balance and keep it sustainable.

Le One Siverss (DJ, producer) [Netherlands]

What I appreciated the most was Susana’s unique coaching approach, focusing more on strategic and business aspects of the musical journey. As artists, we need to approach our artistry and career as a business – this was my main takeaway and shift throughout the course. 

I’m really grateful for all the learnings – thank you Susana for your leadership and mentorship!

Cristina Florea (Cris von X) (Vocalist, songwriter) [Hungary]

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