
One-to-one coaching

BCFA Mentor Program

All you want to do is make or perform music and earn a living doing so. One would think that isn’t too much to ask!

But if you’re honest, it does feel like a lot at times!

There’s so much more involved with building a music career nowadays than just the music. And at times the industry can be intimidating and overwhelming. 

I know this from experience! Thankfully I was lucky enough to have some great mentors when I first started working professionally in music 18 years ago.

And I want you to know you are not alone in this either!

With the ‘BCFA Mentor Program’ I help you follow your purpose, navigate the music industry and build a music career that fits your values and the life and career you want to create.

So you can feel fulfilled, motivated and excited about your career!

“I struggled with many doubts, with thoughts like “I will never earn enough money for making a living of it” or “there are so many more talented musicians than me”, I struggled with the usage of social media, I had no plan.

And Susana did not just show me my plan, she showed me, how I can make my own plan. How I can find my best way that fits to my goals.

She is the best guide I could find.

Thank you so much!”

Martha Zan

Singer/songwriter, Ukelele artist (Germany)

Susana has great new perspectives and gave me a lot of helpful advices in our one-to-one coaching. It was amazing to talk to a woman who has been working in the scene for such a long time.

She deeply cares about your concern and makes you feel valued.

My favorite quote of her was: You can do a lot yourself if you have the passion, talent and drive.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge Susana!


Songwriter, Vocalist, Producer (Germany), One-to-one coaching client

What to expect from the Mentor Program

No one-size fits all

It’s not my style to tell you what you should do. Instead we will tune in to your specific goals and dreams and map out the right path and course of action for YOU. 

I will help you find your unique voice, brand and message. All aimed at building a career that aligns with who you are and helps you attract your own tribe of loyal fans (or clients).

Mindset is everything

You can have all the tools and practical knowledge in the world, but often it’s the implementation that is the hardest part. And 99% of the time this is related to what’s going on between the ears! 

In the program we work on identifying and working through any fears and limiting beliefs that are still holding you back from making the decisions and taking the actions needed to break through to the next level in your music career.


A goal without action is just a wish! But artists often get stuck because they over complicate things and have no idea how to get from point A to point B or are unsure about the right course of action.

How do I build a fanbase? How can I grow my network? What can I do to land more bookings? How do I get the attention from labels? How can I profile myself as x, y z? Etcetera.

It’s time to stop overthinking things and burning yourself out with strategies that don’t work. 

During the mentor program I will help you broaden your view and see what’s possible for you.

You will learn to recognise the exciting opportunities you have, develop your strategic mind and take the actions that will actually move you in the right direction.

Do less, achieve more

Artists tend to feel like they have to be everywhere and say yes to everything in order to survive in a highly saturated market, with feelings of overwhelm and burn out as a result.

In my experience however success doesn’t come from just doing more, but from being more intentional about what you do! From focusing on what actually matters and making sometimes tough but impactful decisions.

In the mentor program I help you quiet all the noise, focus on what’s important and prioritize impact and income producing activities. So you can achieve more, in less time!

Just because we’ll be working on keeping things simple, does not mean it will always be easy. But your music career can’t grow unless you do, and all growth starts at the end of your comfort zone!

And I’ll be there to support you all the way 🙂

Undivided attention

During the program you have my exclusive, undivided attention.

Besides the Zoom sessions you’ll also have access to Whats App support for the duration of the program.

I’ll be your support and accountability partner – through thick and thin – but also won’t shy away from being honest with you and giving you tough love when needed! 

Free Discovery Call

Interested in the program? 

Request a free 30mins Discovery Call (via Zoom) via the button below.

During this call we will discuss your goals and determine if you and the program are a good fit 🙂

No strings attached! After the call you are free to decide whether you want to work with me or not.

Fill in the form via the button below and within 48hours (on weekdays) I will let you know via email if you qualify for the call and schedule a time and date.

Frequently asked questions

Is there a curriculum?

Every artist is different and the program is tailored to your specific needs and goals. During the first session we’ll determine your main goals and action steps. During each follow up session we assess your progress and define which follow up actions are needed to stay on track.

I am just starting out, is the BCFA Mentor Program suitable for me?

For sure! The sessions are tailored to your specific needs and are suitable both for beginners and established/experienced artists.

How do I know if the BCFA Mentor Program is the right fit for me?

Request a free 30mins Discovery call by filling in this form.

Within 48hours (on weekdays, excluding holidays) I will send you and email to let you know if you qualify for the call and to schedule a time and date.

During the call we will discuss your goals, determine what needs to be done in order to achieve them and determine if you and the program are a match!

After the call you are free to decide whether you want to work with me or not.

I have another question, how can I reach you?

If you have any questions please send an email to info@businesscoachingforartists.com.

After speaking with Susana I feel much better and more motivated!

I was unsure about so many things and was unable to make the decisions I needed to make, but Susana led me on the right path.

Her advice was really helpful and made so much sense, I no longer feel lost.


DJ, Producer, (Japan)

"I am a professional singer and singing teacher, and although I work mainly in the classical genre, I have also worked in and long had a passion for trance music. Because of this, I have known of and respected Susana’s work for many years.

I was thrilled to have the opportunity to discuss a number of topics with Susana. We talked about getting back into the world of trance music and what that might look like for me, the factors blocking my exploration of top-line writing, and the initial steps I could take to get me started.

I came away from our conversation feeling equipped with the knowhow of how to start exploring top-line writing again, and how to have fun with the process, instead of it feeling daunting. I also felt inspired to take the plunge into investing in my future, and have recently started a 12 week top-line masterclass.

Thank you Susana, for generously sharing your time and expertise with other artists. I would not hesitate to recommend her services!"

Victoria Stilwell

Singer/songwriter/vocal coach (UK), [One-to-one coaching client]

I found our session incredibly valuable.  You challenged me to look at my plan and path differently and gave me a lot to think about between now and when we next speak.
So, it’s fair to say that you easily exceeded my expectations today.  The time was an excellent investment for me.
Brian McCalla

Producer (USA / One-to-one coaching client)

With years of experience in the music business Susana has alot of great insights to share. In our personal coaching session she answered all my questions and she included some general words of wisdom as well to set me on the right path!

She is a great listener with sincere interest in her clients!

Thank you Susana!


Songwriter, Vocalist, (Netherlands)

So, who am I to teach artists anything? 😉

Hi, I’m Susana. I am a singer, topline writer and performer with over 18 years experience in the music industry as one of the top vocalists in the Trance scene

(kind of gave away my age there, lol)

I have collaborated with DJ’s, songwriters and musicians from all over the world and have been fortunate to perform live in many countries!

(That’s me in the picture below, on the Tomorrowland Mainstage in 2019).

I feel extremeley blessed to have been able to build a sustainable career and make a living doing what I love most: songwriting, singing and performing!

Something I’ve been dreaming about since I was a little girl.

Embracing myself as a creative entrepreneur and leveraging social media and online marketing to grow a super loyal fanbase and build multiple income streams is what has helped me do so! (besides of course my music and vocal abilities).

And all of that while being an introvert.

And without mainstream success!

About the BCFA Academy

The year 2022 marks my 18th year as a professional artist in the music industry.

A few years ago I felt called to share everything I’ve learned about building a sustainable music career with other artists.

This led to the launch of the Business Coaching For Artists Academy (BCFA) in 2019.

With BCFA it is my mission to help you make YOUR dream music career come true.

A music career that aligns with who you are:

your personality, your values and your unique gifts and vision.

…without overworking and losing yourself in the process!

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